This film tells the life of Yossi, the Israeli soldier who lost his love in war, ten years after his loss. Yossi has become a cardiologist, working in a hospital. He is lonely and solitary on purpose. He meets a young soldier, and he struggles whether to let someone into his life or not, just like last time with Jagger.
"Yossi" is very similar to the last film, "Yossi & Jagger". Yossi is basically still the same restrained and solitary man, rejecting something beautiful for reasons only he would know. The pacing is slow, which echoes the psychological state of Yossi being slow to warm up to people who love him. It also touches on healing after loss, and the stigma on being gay, but these themes are not so well developed to become tear jerking subplots. Though it is not particularly engaging or moving, and the low budget shows, it is still worth a watch.
"Yossi" is very similar to the last film, "Yossi & Jagger". Yossi is basically still the same restrained and solitary man, rejecting something beautiful for reasons only he would know. The pacing is slow, which echoes the psychological state of Yossi being slow to warm up to people who love him. It also touches on healing after loss, and the stigma on being gay, but these themes are not so well developed to become tear jerking subplots. Though it is not particularly engaging or moving, and the low budget shows, it is still worth a watch.