This alleged comedy-drama-romance movie has Drew Barrymore playing a pregnant Sally Jackson, who falls for Dorian Montier (Luke Wilson), the stepson of the unborn baby's deceased father. Realizing the infidelity, the deceased man's wife, Beatrice Lever (Catherine O'Hara), sends her sons Angus (Jake Bussey) and Dorian to scare him up a bit, indirectly leading to him succumbing to a heart attack. Things get a little out of hand when Sally is mixed in with the chaotic mess.
The story is as ridiculous as it sounds and the tasteless plot is only exacerbated by the awful and moronic acting. There is really nothing interesting about this film, except that Barrymore attempts to have a good portrayal of her character. It's OK to pass on this one.
Grade D--
The story is as ridiculous as it sounds and the tasteless plot is only exacerbated by the awful and moronic acting. There is really nothing interesting about this film, except that Barrymore attempts to have a good portrayal of her character. It's OK to pass on this one.
Grade D--