you need to watch this. it is hilariously bad (errmm i mean exceptional). oh my gosh the script writer was so wrong, i mean, listen to some of the things that come out of these kids mouths. so so so so good. like listen to this : "uncle gus told me not to touch it, sammie told me not to touch it, but i touched it, can we blow it". and "3 miles, that'll take us all day and half the night". as well as, wait i would not want to spoil it. i would recommend: shark boy and lava girl, if you liked this movie. but who wouldn't right. the soundtrack is also amazing. right here, here and now ow. there's only one thing left to do. right here here and now ow.
you need to watch this. it is hilariously bad (errmm i mean exceptional). oh my gosh the script writer was so wrong, i mean, listen to some of the things that come out of these kids mouths. so so so so good. like listen to this : "uncle gus told me not to touch it, sammie told me not to touch it, but i touched it, can we blow it". and "3 miles, that'll take us all day and half the night". as well as, wait i would not want to spoil it. i would recommend: shark boy and lava girl, if you liked this movie. but who wouldn't right. the soundtrack is also amazing. right here, here and now ow. there's only one thing left to do. right here here and now ow.