I have no spoilers, but I do carry a trained eye towards formal reviews, and to a point I agree with the other reviews posted: This is a new show. This is a show attempting to repair the mishaps of the previous eras. Again, I am speaking from a trained eye. B10: Aliens and Ultimate Alien was filled with daily plot holes, faulty characterization follow- ups, a rapidly increasing sense of hasty generalization towards the crowd, and a bizarre singular romantic standpoint. What I admire about the brains and brawn behind Omniverse is the strength to attempt patching up what was lacking in existence. I have already gotten into details how this show repairs the Ben 10 Franchise, and thus I will not do it again. The art is a unique style to which people are judging because it is "less than up to par with the last incarnations" - no offense my friends, but that is evolution. That is the process of change, and accepting this change takes a while but it is solid and well built. Each episode can stand on its own as comical, meaningful, and in some minor sense inspirational. Ben 10 became a teenager who was arrogant, self-obsessed, and fairly cocky in Aliens and UA. Oh but wait, in the blink of an eye he'd turn 180* and be heart-to-heart and fully cognitive of the threats at hand; that doesn't settle well with me as a student teacher for disabled children - I do not want them to learn ideas of false identity. They have enough of that in the real world, why is the flip-flop occurring now in their dreams? Rook Blonko keeps Ben 10 fresh and silly by introducing a new character who is by-the-book and factual but has next to no field experience. He is down-to-earth, self-less, compassionate, and curious beyond belief. Adding his character and setting the hustle and bustle of Kevin Levin and Gwen Tennyson to the side is an incredibly smart move from any standpoint.
I can go on for days with facts and actual stats following the increase of viewership here, but I fear no one will care to read it. If you were a fan of the original Ben 10, then you are nearly guaranteed to be a fan of this incarnation. I can understand the butting heads from the last two incarnations but that is the reluctance to accept change. The show has well-crafted elements, smart plot lines, and it literally patches up the many mishaps of the last few years.
Omniverse, in short, returns Ben Tennyson to his original character - remarkably young at heart, unsure, witty, willing, and enduring - and inspires his fans to be willing at heart for the world to come.
I can go on for days with facts and actual stats following the increase of viewership here, but I fear no one will care to read it. If you were a fan of the original Ben 10, then you are nearly guaranteed to be a fan of this incarnation. I can understand the butting heads from the last two incarnations but that is the reluctance to accept change. The show has well-crafted elements, smart plot lines, and it literally patches up the many mishaps of the last few years.
Omniverse, in short, returns Ben Tennyson to his original character - remarkably young at heart, unsure, witty, willing, and enduring - and inspires his fans to be willing at heart for the world to come.