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A charming falling in love story with exceptional chemistry
6 August 2013
Is love really based upon wanting something so hard that you really decide yourself what you want out of it? That's my thought while watching this Norwegian/Finnish film by Norwegian director Eirik Svensson.

This movie is so romantic, that it's almost unbelievable. Got to be a great for couples in love to watch. Not only is the start of the film taking place in Instanbul under very pleasant holiday weather and romantic circumstances, but what is impossible to miss out on, is that it's so naturally played by all the actors. The chemistry is amazing.

What it really interesting, is that it's a double take on a love story, by some freak luck. It's also a great take on person sons meeting accidentally, feeling chemistry. A contact which may never would have taken place if it weren't for Kaisa's brave first steps of conversation. The film relays heavily on fantasy of the mind as well as imagination and the need to feel loved. It's also an inspiration to follow up your dreams, and never compromise on your inner feelings. And how is it possible to go to work like everything's normal, when you're head over heels in love?

Debuting feature film director Eirik Svensson has made a great little film as a debut, which really is a good take on a starting romances. I find the acting very natural and realistic. Simple forward meeting of a couple of shy, normal humans. Beautifully filmed also on a small budget, and the story is both written (with Jyrki Vaisanen) and directed by a guy we obviously will hear much more from.

It's really love at first sight between Norwegian Jacob and Finnish Kaisa, meeting at his final day of holiday in Istanbul. The next day ho goes back to Norway, but Kaisa can't forget him. Later on she moves from Helsinki to Oslo, and coincidentally he recognizes Jacob again in a supermarket. But is it Jacob? Doesn't he recognize her? Doesn't he want to admit they have met? It builds up to be a predicament.

The chemistry between Pamela Tola and Espen Klouman-Høiner is showing great acting. It's the first time I see her in a film, but he is always very good. For many it'll be Joachim Trier's "Reprise", which was widely critically acclaimed. Here he is playing to different guys, which resembles each other. He does remarkably well. What a talented young actor!

The film is 98% spoken in English, due to the two languages being so different that they have English as a second language in both countries. It'll work well internationally.

The film has good drive until it stalls a bit mid way through. Still very romantic, but it's more likely to make you fall off then, if you're not the romantic type. I'm not a great fan of romantic films, but still the chemistry here saves the day!
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