I think the pilot show is a great start and the music makes it good as well. I know that other viewers don't believe that this can be a Sex & the City, but it really does have potential and I strongly think that it's gonna make it!! I'm very excited to watch the next episode and so on.... The characters are cute and the music is good for the time the era that it's in. The beginning of the show tells how everything starts and where everything gets into place. Viewers out there should really give this show a chance to blossom into something great!!! =) As for "Carrie" not really looking like "Carrie" in Sex & the City, it will come later as she matures into the show and keep in mind that this is when she was younger!! She has to have time to go thru "childhood" and bloom into "adulthood" and her features body, mind, and soul will change throughout!