The Greek province of Corinth rebels against its Roman rulers...
Based on real-life events that occurred during the time of Caesar, THE CONQUEROR OF CORINTH makes the rebels out to be the bad guys for some reason but before the city is torched with cheesy special effects, there's enough beefcake, cheesecake, and battle scenes to satisfy any genre fan. John Drew Barrymore (wearing little more than a micro-mini tunic and a "Snidely Whiplash" sneer) plays Basil Rathbone to star Jacques Sernas' Errol Flynn as he tosses random enemies into a pit of snakes he keeps for just such occasions. Lovely Gianna Maria Canale (a "Miss Italy 1947" runner-up who lost to Lucia Bosé) heats things up as an over-sexed cougar who turns Sernas' wounded centurion over to the enemy after he spurns her advances and her duel (dagger vs. bullwhip) with the hero's main squeeze is a lowbrow highlight -as is a muscular Gordon Mitchell getting rubbed down by his hirsute manservant. Unfortunately, there's no "conqueror of Corinth", per se.
Based on real-life events that occurred during the time of Caesar, THE CONQUEROR OF CORINTH makes the rebels out to be the bad guys for some reason but before the city is torched with cheesy special effects, there's enough beefcake, cheesecake, and battle scenes to satisfy any genre fan. John Drew Barrymore (wearing little more than a micro-mini tunic and a "Snidely Whiplash" sneer) plays Basil Rathbone to star Jacques Sernas' Errol Flynn as he tosses random enemies into a pit of snakes he keeps for just such occasions. Lovely Gianna Maria Canale (a "Miss Italy 1947" runner-up who lost to Lucia Bosé) heats things up as an over-sexed cougar who turns Sernas' wounded centurion over to the enemy after he spurns her advances and her duel (dagger vs. bullwhip) with the hero's main squeeze is a lowbrow highlight -as is a muscular Gordon Mitchell getting rubbed down by his hirsute manservant. Unfortunately, there's no "conqueror of Corinth", per se.