Coppelia was one of those ballets that I grew up with, so you'd always want to see a ballet production of it that was good. This Australian ballet production is more than good. I'd say it's extremely good. Maybe Coppelia's appearances could have been less brief and with more interaction between the other people on stage but when she was on stage she was impeccably charming. However, it is a traditional and beautifully designed production, I'd be hard pressed to find Coppelius' workshop as well done as it was here, with very characterful and elegant dancing. The stage direction is charming and witty. The orchestral playing is stylish and vibrant, and the conducting keeps things moving rather than lets things plod. The corps-De-ballet dance marvellously with excellent technique and no scenes of coldness. The dolls coming to life will enchant anybody of all ages. Lisa Pavane and Greg Horsman are sensational in the lead roles, while Colin Peasley is really excellent as a still eccentric if slightly more malevolent Dr Coppelius. Overall, this Coppelia is extremely good and charming. 9/10 Bethany Cox