With her young daughter gone for the night on a camping trip, "Nikki Cominsky" (Pamela Brumley) had plans for a "date night" with her husband at a restaurant downtown named "Pipino's". Her plans are dashed however when he tells her that morning that he has tickets for a baseball game with a good friend. This leads to a slight argument with him prior to both of them going to work. However, when she gets to work, she finds a card inviting her to "Pipino's" that evening, and it's signed by "Jesus" (Jefferson Moore). Thinking that her husband is attempting to make amends by using a little humor, she is excited that he has changed his mind. But when she gets to the restaurant, she finds a man at her table who tells her that he is, in fact, Jesus Christ. What follows is a thought-provoking film with both Nikki and Jesus getting in some deep discussions about philosophy, religion and the nature of God. Now, if this sounds boring, I can assure you it isn't as there is quite a bit of humor and both played their parts very well. I especially liked the scene where Nikki asks Jesus to turn the wine back into water. Likewise, I also liked the scene at the end where Jesus was walking away. At any rate, I enjoyed this film and firmly believe that anyone who gives it a chance will appreciate it as well.