The movie tells story about a doctor(Pankaj Kapur), who after a long year of painful research, successful in developing a Vaccine for Leprosy. What follows after that is his struggle and fight to the bureaucracy and disapproval happening in medical society.
Nothing much to say about Pankaj Kapur,Shabana Azmi and Irrfan Khan, as it is a well established fact that they are marvelous actors. Other performances are also good.
The thing about movie that makes it wonderful that it makes u sympathize with the character(the doctor) and attach yourself to the problem he faces in this bureaucratic system.
Nothing much to say about Pankaj Kapur,Shabana Azmi and Irrfan Khan, as it is a well established fact that they are marvelous actors. Other performances are also good.
The thing about movie that makes it wonderful that it makes u sympathize with the character(the doctor) and attach yourself to the problem he faces in this bureaucratic system.