....Stella Stevens! Holy crap, what a body! And if her deeeeep cleavage is not enough for you, there is some peek-a-boo nudity from her in a jacuzzi. Meanwhile, the ladies get shirtless Stuart Whitman. The first half of "Las Vegas Lady" is glitzy but dull; the second half, when the heist plan is actually put into motion, is somewhat better, but be warned: this film is not exactly the lighthearted romp it appears to be, and one of the women in particular (I hope it's a coincidence that it's the black one) is mistreated harshly. George DiCenzo, as the casino boss, is so dripping with sleaze that you get the feeling the floor around him is slippery. ** out of 4.
Review of Las Vegas Lady
Las Vegas Lady
And the "Best Cleavage of the 1970s" award goes to....
8 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers