This is a special film. Not everybody will get it but those who do get it will find that it warms their hearts and tickles their funny bone.
Anybody who ever rolled a d20 or has gone to a LARP (Live Action Role Play} will instantly become infatuated with the characters. A film for anybody who has painted miniatures; a film for anybody who loves orcs and pancakes.
The leading lady steals the show with a energy charged performance and the rich ensemble cast will keep you in stitches.
This is a talented group of filmmakers and I look forward to their future ventures.
Worth watching...twice.
Anybody who ever rolled a d20 or has gone to a LARP (Live Action Role Play} will instantly become infatuated with the characters. A film for anybody who has painted miniatures; a film for anybody who loves orcs and pancakes.
The leading lady steals the show with a energy charged performance and the rich ensemble cast will keep you in stitches.
This is a talented group of filmmakers and I look forward to their future ventures.
Worth watching...twice.