I was looking forward to the intentional cheesiness of the Partridge vs. Brady hype, but the movie just has too many stupid people doing stupid things that no real person would do. Ruined the fun for me. Also, since when is Bigfoot supposedly bigger than a house and yet could still never be found? And when did he start ripping people apart and eating them?
As the story went on, it just seemed like people in that community had been doing stupid things for maybe a century. No one could ever put 2 and 2 together and make 4.
At least Danny Bonnaduce realizes that his career is made up of playing some silly version of himself and glories in it. Poor Barry Williams has to play his role straight-faced and serious, trying so hard to make a glaring eye look more glaring and intense by keeping it glaring longer and twisting his inherently droopy face. I think he got the bad end of the deal on this one.
I had hoped for a good bad-movie-night film, but it's so much worse than that. Makes me sad. This could have been done with the right attitude and just a small grain of intelligence and been fun.
As the story went on, it just seemed like people in that community had been doing stupid things for maybe a century. No one could ever put 2 and 2 together and make 4.
At least Danny Bonnaduce realizes that his career is made up of playing some silly version of himself and glories in it. Poor Barry Williams has to play his role straight-faced and serious, trying so hard to make a glaring eye look more glaring and intense by keeping it glaring longer and twisting his inherently droopy face. I think he got the bad end of the deal on this one.
I had hoped for a good bad-movie-night film, but it's so much worse than that. Makes me sad. This could have been done with the right attitude and just a small grain of intelligence and been fun.