A review (via Amazon) by Marie: "When I read Rich Martini's book "FLIPSIDE: A TOURIST'S GUIDE ON HOW TO NAVIGATE THE AFTERLIFE", I was enthralled. I had just finished reading three rather life changing books by Dr. Michael Newton in which he described how he stumbled upon deep hypnosis as a means of taking people back to the womb, then further, into a life previously lived, then through the death scene of that life, and into the place where souls reside after one life ends and before the next begins. I read those three books in record time and was desperate for MORE. Then I joined a forum which was created around Michael Newton's work and Rich Martini just happened to join as well and let us all know about the book he'd written which took Michael's work to a new place. He interviewed Dr. Newton, his wife Peggy, and several of the therapists who were trained at the Newton Institute. He even filmed several actual hypnotherapy sessions. The book is written so well and the information Rich compiled is as astounding as what I'd read in Dr. Newton's works.
Then Rich told us there was a film! But it wasn't QUITE fully baked...still needed some tweaking here and there. FINALLY, after MUCH cajoling, coaxing, and, OK, BEGGING, the day finally came when Rich announced the VIDEO was ready and we could purchase it on DVD, video or we could stream it! I bought it immediately and just finished watching it.
I had seen much of it in little clips that Rich let us view along the way, but seeing it from start to finish in it's final form was quite wonderful. It was a visual representation of the incredible material Rich and the Newton trained hypnotherapists were able to uncover during Rich's research into this fascinating realm.
In the 70's and 80s I had read all of the Seth material (by Jane Roberts) and it was quite similar but nothing as spectacular as Michael Newton's work because Seth was one entity and the writing was quite dry and technical and most of it way over my head! Dr. Newton's clients were regular people from all walks of life and belief systems and they all told the same story more or less about the realm that we inhabit when we're not living a life somewhere else! And to now SEE some of the Newton trained hypnotherapists facilitating actual regressions and hearing the information as it's being received by the clients undergoing hypnosis was such a special treat.
We even get to see a snippet of Rich's own regression which is also a real treat! The video will certainly whet your appetite for more. I would highly recommend, after viewing this video. The one thing I missed in the video which I LOVED about the book was all the stories Rich told about his personal experience with the supernatural, and the stories of his family's experiences. So I would highly recommend watching the video and then immediately reading the book which fleshes things out a bit and then following that with reading Michael Newton's book starting with "Journey of Souls" which is the first book Michael Newton wrote about how he virtually stumbled upon and "was dragged kicking and screaming" to this information and how it consumed the next three decades of his life while he painstakingly and lovingly documented the thousands of case studies he facilitated to come up with this blueprint of the spirit realm, how we get there, what we do there, who we meet there, how and why we come back again and again and how we decide when, where and who to come back as!
A big thanks to Rich for this video, the book and for continuing to document this material along with some of the dedicated therapists who want to bring this experience to others.
If you watch the video and want to delve into the work of Dr. Michael Newton and talk to others who are also interested please feel free to join the forum which is on Facebook: The Michael Newton Institute for Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy." More info at flipsidethefilm.com
Then Rich told us there was a film! But it wasn't QUITE fully baked...still needed some tweaking here and there. FINALLY, after MUCH cajoling, coaxing, and, OK, BEGGING, the day finally came when Rich announced the VIDEO was ready and we could purchase it on DVD, video or we could stream it! I bought it immediately and just finished watching it.
I had seen much of it in little clips that Rich let us view along the way, but seeing it from start to finish in it's final form was quite wonderful. It was a visual representation of the incredible material Rich and the Newton trained hypnotherapists were able to uncover during Rich's research into this fascinating realm.
In the 70's and 80s I had read all of the Seth material (by Jane Roberts) and it was quite similar but nothing as spectacular as Michael Newton's work because Seth was one entity and the writing was quite dry and technical and most of it way over my head! Dr. Newton's clients were regular people from all walks of life and belief systems and they all told the same story more or less about the realm that we inhabit when we're not living a life somewhere else! And to now SEE some of the Newton trained hypnotherapists facilitating actual regressions and hearing the information as it's being received by the clients undergoing hypnosis was such a special treat.
We even get to see a snippet of Rich's own regression which is also a real treat! The video will certainly whet your appetite for more. I would highly recommend, after viewing this video. The one thing I missed in the video which I LOVED about the book was all the stories Rich told about his personal experience with the supernatural, and the stories of his family's experiences. So I would highly recommend watching the video and then immediately reading the book which fleshes things out a bit and then following that with reading Michael Newton's book starting with "Journey of Souls" which is the first book Michael Newton wrote about how he virtually stumbled upon and "was dragged kicking and screaming" to this information and how it consumed the next three decades of his life while he painstakingly and lovingly documented the thousands of case studies he facilitated to come up with this blueprint of the spirit realm, how we get there, what we do there, who we meet there, how and why we come back again and again and how we decide when, where and who to come back as!
A big thanks to Rich for this video, the book and for continuing to document this material along with some of the dedicated therapists who want to bring this experience to others.
If you watch the video and want to delve into the work of Dr. Michael Newton and talk to others who are also interested please feel free to join the forum which is on Facebook: The Michael Newton Institute for Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy." More info at flipsidethefilm.com