Of Snails and Men is an entertainment movie aimed primarily at a Romanian audience. Giurgiu plays it lightly and safely but really funny moments are rare in-between. The themes feel stale and the nostalgia for the 90s does not really come through. All the characters are clichés starting from the corrupt factory chief down to each worker. Acting is mostly average though a really bad performance from Jean-François Stévenin stands out.
This kind of popcorn movie coming from Giurgiu is a disappointment for me after the controversial Legaturi Bolnavicioase which felt a lot more alive. Multiplex audiences will likely enjoy it moderately but they won't be telling their friends about it.
This kind of popcorn movie coming from Giurgiu is a disappointment for me after the controversial Legaturi Bolnavicioase which felt a lot more alive. Multiplex audiences will likely enjoy it moderately but they won't be telling their friends about it.