Pretty Good STV Study of the "Death Cult" like Jonestown/Waco. The Problem here is the Evil doers are not very Scary or Interesting. The Human Religious Counterpoint is a Superstitious, St. Christopher clasping Minority who Whines a lot.
It seems that when You Reduce everything to an Equation and Formula, much of the Heart and Soul is canceled. No Need for Alien Soul Snatching or Demonic Possession, the "Language of the Universe" is enough to Eradicate Free Will.
The Cultist go about Their Brainwashing and Bad Deeds in a Dry, Methodical, Mathematically based Theology so Matter of Fact that the Drama Suffers. The Film Never quite Reaches that "Twilight Zone" Atmosphere it is searching for, until the very Last Scene.
It seems that when You Reduce everything to an Equation and Formula, much of the Heart and Soul is canceled. No Need for Alien Soul Snatching or Demonic Possession, the "Language of the Universe" is enough to Eradicate Free Will.
The Cultist go about Their Brainwashing and Bad Deeds in a Dry, Methodical, Mathematically based Theology so Matter of Fact that the Drama Suffers. The Film Never quite Reaches that "Twilight Zone" Atmosphere it is searching for, until the very Last Scene.