Rabies is the first Israeli film I've ever seen and it did not disappoint. While it wasn't your typical slasher gorefest that is actually it's charm. The concept is actually unique and well executed. The serial killer in an ironic turn isn't the the one they need to watch out for but rather their own fear and hatred spreading like...well like Rabies. Where it falls short is that the characters are a little empty and the performances perhaps a little wooden at times. They create stereotypical characters (perhaps on purpose as a nod to American slasher flicks) but they don't let them delve any deeper. Despite the unique concept it was a little strange to have a serial killer on the loose and literally have no purpose to the story. The pacing might be a little slow as well. But don't let the few shortcomings deter you if you enjoy foreign films. This horror flick is definitely different than the run of the mill stuff out there!! 7/10