Judge a movie for what it is.
This movie was made for 900k. Casting was respectable. Character development was excellent. Directing and camera work at that budget level was excellent. The director succeeds in making you care about the characters. The protagonist's moral dilemma isn't really clear enough for the pace of plot development, but that's to be forgiven. It's arguable that the pace of shooting was too long for the script - it could have been given M. Night Shyamalan long-shots treatment and worked, but again, not for that budget, and not without a lot of patience with the actors.
I loved that it wasn't over acted. Smart people acted like smart people - which makes for a more tempered pace. Makeup was a little weak, And they could have added five minutes of expanding despair by working in the fate of the other characters, but I'm sure the budget wasn't there.
I enjoyed it. I'll watch it again. The whole family gave it a thumbs up.
I'll bet it gets remade at a higher budget.
This movie was made for 900k. Casting was respectable. Character development was excellent. Directing and camera work at that budget level was excellent. The director succeeds in making you care about the characters. The protagonist's moral dilemma isn't really clear enough for the pace of plot development, but that's to be forgiven. It's arguable that the pace of shooting was too long for the script - it could have been given M. Night Shyamalan long-shots treatment and worked, but again, not for that budget, and not without a lot of patience with the actors.
I loved that it wasn't over acted. Smart people acted like smart people - which makes for a more tempered pace. Makeup was a little weak, And they could have added five minutes of expanding despair by working in the fate of the other characters, but I'm sure the budget wasn't there.
I enjoyed it. I'll watch it again. The whole family gave it a thumbs up.
I'll bet it gets remade at a higher budget.