This slick entertaining "witty" 1988 production is, in this new century worth seeing just to see Nicole Kidman on the cusp of DEAD CALM stardom and for those who know Sydney well, a chance to see how much the city skyline has changed in the past 22 years. EMERALD CITY refers to the capitol and capital of Oztralia and this film is about making films here in the 80s. Apparently this is supposed to be fascinating to the plebs in the multiplex and as a result the film falls flat for those not in the film industry or for anyone who feels Sydney Theatre Company plays like this get made into smart arse so- called comedies. It is an in-joke only for those very mean people the film is about. Some very nice scenes for cinema buffs of the fabulous State Theatre our very own 1929 Picture Palace still standing, and some great shots of Nicole's crotch as she is described as a sex object by her screen lover Chris Haywood. Nicole's Mum and Dad must have been mortified at the premiere to hear their gorgeous nubile daughter described thus especially when she is exercising on screen with her legs wide open. Desperatelty urbane and with awful 80s clothes and hair EMERALD CITY is now a curiosity.