I am not old enough to have watched the original when it came out in 82, but i was acutely aware of its cult status. Though not a comedic gem, it has passed in Greek movie history, through frequent reruns, a few good one liners and some very enjoyable appearances of movie legends of the 60s in it...Even so, no one would say it was a "good" movie... Despite that, the 82 version becomes a masterpiece compared to this cinematic atrocity. Absolutely talentless young actors that look at least a decade older than high school students, an obvious lack of serious script combined with awful direction and ridiculous music, make this film a thing to be avoided... Add to that the complete lack of talent of the few returning actors and the trashy "special guests", and you have a pretty good reason for never going to the movies again... I am truly sad to see Kostas Voutsas involved in this. One of the best actors of his generation and an all-around favorite of Greek audiences, he should have never been involved in this...Very sad...