i have to admit i watched this just for the hott chicks and boy was i not disappointed, seemed like every guys fantasy chick including mine was in this movie. not having seen the original i didn't know what to expect except for the hot chicks,, i was surprised to see Tobin Bell,, Jigsaw from Saw in this,, he was a college professor in this.. apparently the alien chicks are defly afraid of heat,, they like the cold, so they wanna get the guys out in the cold weather to do it,, one guy is cold so he turns on a heater and the girl gets a bad burn from it,,apparently the only way you can tell if the girl is an alien is the fact that they have no belly button,, the guys at the college are in a race to see how many alien chicks they can score.. not a bad movie,, there is actually a plot in there if you look hard enough.