Garbage. I can't believe this was actually made. Horrible plot and even worse acting. It should be listed as a comedy. The father character is a moron. He bashes into a garbage can in a dark ally n then proceeds to pull his wallet out in front of about 3 shady individuals. Then he runs off, leaving his car wide open to be stolen. And don't you think that if a blackout like that were to actually occur, you would just let one of your kids run off by herself to get her purse that she left in a dressing room where a couple people got attacked a little while earlier and I'm pretty sure you wouldn't "stash" your 12 year old somewhere in a store when you know there is a psychopath inside that very store. "he's got my children." Really? It's your own fault!! Do not watch this movie. Three words to describe it. 1.horrible 2.disaster 3.horrible. The psycho dude has a gnarly chip on his shoulder about something. Haha. A little over the top buddy. Go back to film school. "what do you mean some guy has your kids? Are they like hanging out?" haha!