I loved this Australian TV series when it aired in 1967 on German TV. It was a huge success and my classmates discussed it every week. I never missed a single episode.
Does anybody know if the complete TV series is finally available on DVD? I checked the Internet several times over the past few years, but so far unsuccessful.
If you could help me, please write to waldenpond88@hotmail.com. Thanks!
O.k., I cannot submit this text unless it contains 10 lines, so I will talk now about CFF movies (Childrens Film Foundation movies from Great Britain). I'm looking for 40+ years for a copy from "Mystery in the Mine" with Ingrid Cardon and Stewart Guidotti. Does anybody know somebody who has access to CFF movies maybe??? Would be awesome!
Does anybody know if the complete TV series is finally available on DVD? I checked the Internet several times over the past few years, but so far unsuccessful.
If you could help me, please write to waldenpond88@hotmail.com. Thanks!
O.k., I cannot submit this text unless it contains 10 lines, so I will talk now about CFF movies (Childrens Film Foundation movies from Great Britain). I'm looking for 40+ years for a copy from "Mystery in the Mine" with Ingrid Cardon and Stewart Guidotti. Does anybody know somebody who has access to CFF movies maybe??? Would be awesome!