This mockumentary follows the lives of the two men who are up for the 'stuntman of the year' award, as well as a lot of other characters including their agents, girlfriends, and family members. It's kind of like a cross between Zoolander and Waiting for Guffman.
This film has a great ensemble cast of very funny actors, who all deliver incredible performances. The humour and language definitely push the envelope on more than one occasion. I literally cringed several times and some of the ridiculous things coming out of the actor's mouthes. All in all, it just builds the laughs up even more.
Don't watch it with grandma, but definitely watch it.
This film has a great ensemble cast of very funny actors, who all deliver incredible performances. The humour and language definitely push the envelope on more than one occasion. I literally cringed several times and some of the ridiculous things coming out of the actor's mouthes. All in all, it just builds the laughs up even more.
Don't watch it with grandma, but definitely watch it.