I, like most people, have quite an opinion on what is art & what isn't and this film generally doesn't come under my personal art category but that's just an opinion. I do however think this film is important & by all mean it should have been made. Yes there are the few who will see it as just some form of torture porn... some may even get off on it if certain circling internet videos are to be believed... but I am interested in the opinions of those who view Salo the way I do. Torture, slavery & sexual degradation have been happening for thousands and thousands of years & continues to happen to this day (rape, child pornography, human trafficking etc.) and I believe that in order to fully understand things of this nature (and perhaps one day getting round the stopping them when certain governments pull their finger out) films like this are necessary. It not only shows you the vile truth of sex slavery but shows the extent to which people seem to get into their acting: it must have been extremely difficult for the actors to perform in some of the scenes (those who have seen the film will know all too well what I'm talking about). In some cases, it takes the point to be thrust full force & uncensored into someone's face for them to get it but if that was the whole point of the film I can only say mission accomplished. Back to the earlier point I personally wouldn't call it an art film but I do believe it is a film that should be seen.
PS - To those who are fully traumatized by this film: I own the book. The book is worse.
PS - To those who are fully traumatized by this film: I own the book. The book is worse.