A bourgeois woman who's got a very good job in edition hires an Au pair girl to take care of her children ;of course she is a divorcée and her lover is none other than her new girl's one.This girl seems to have strange habits and she often welcomes a (nasty?) man in her employer's house.The highlight of the movie,so to speak ,is an orgy with straights and lesbians :fantasy or reality? Which does not matter anyway;the lead actress is rather sluggish and her co-star gets out of her way to sound "disturbing" to no avail.This is what you call a real chore:an intellectual movie with interminable frames of mind,which sounds sometimes like a left over of the worst aspects of the notorious Nouvelle Vaguelette.
Like this?Try these ...(which does not mean these are bad of course!) "Persona" Ingmar Bergman "Betty" and "Les Biches " (Claude Chabrol)
Like this?Try these ...(which does not mean these are bad of course!) "Persona" Ingmar Bergman "Betty" and "Les Biches " (Claude Chabrol)