Doctor Mordrid is set in New York where an ancient sorcerer from another dimension named Doctor Anton Mordrid (Jeffrey Combs) lives in an apartment block & waits dutifully for the day the evil 'Death's Head' sorcerer Kabal (Brian Thompson) whom Mordrid imprisoned ages ago returns to try & destroy the Earth which just happens to be now. Although an ancient powerful sorcerer Mordrid befriends police researcher Samantha Hunt (Yvette Nipar) while waiting & using her contacts at the police actually comes in helpful. Kabal the evil sorcerer has been stealing lots of alchemical metals like platinum & gold in order to do something or other to destroy the Earth & the last thing he needs is an inscribed stone tablet in a New York museum which Mordrid must stop him from getting & where the final confrontation will take place with the lives of every single person on Earth at stake...
Produced & directed by father & son team of Charles & Albert Band & released through their company Full Moon Entertainment this originally started out life as a film about the Marvel Comic character Dr. Strange but apparently the rights to the name & character's were lost & instead of scrapping the whole project it morphed into Doctor Mordrid which is probably more or less the same film as originally intended but with a different central character. Basically Doctor Mordrid is a mad film that almost defies explanation, most people won't have a clue what is going on for the first twenty odd minutes as there are silly monologues with random words trying to sound dramatic, Jeffrey Combs in a bright blue track suit & cape being spoken to by a pair of huge floating blue eyes on a star field, some nonsense about a noisy dog which is never mentioned again & Brain Thompson in Rio de Janeiro with long flowing blonde hair, wearing a baggy white suit & awful chunky rectangular shades trying to look menacing but coming across as anything but & as I say that's just the first twenty odd minutes. The plot is weak & there's virtually no story, everyone human is stupid especially the cops although at only 74 minutes at least it's short & it does entertain in a camp sort of way. The story is poor & if Mordrid knew Kabal needed that stone tablet thing why didn't he just grab it for himself & hide it? I mean he had a good hundred year head-start didn't he? There are a few amusing moments & it's fun in a silly way but there isn't really much to it.
Obviously handicapped by it's budget the special effects aren't that bad actually, there's a floating castle thing & a fun stop motion animated fight between two dinosaur skeleton's that Mordrid & Kabal are controlling at the end which is probably the best moment. There's zero gore, violence, nudity or bad language & there's no horror element here either as it's pure dated fantasy that most people will have a hard time taking seriously although the script plays it deadly straight which helps in a way. Full Moon Entertainment recycled footage from Doctor Mordrid when they edited chunks of it into Planet Patrol (1999) & there's a none to subtle Edgar Allan Poe reference as Doctor Mordrid's pet Raven is called Edgar Allan.
The production values are alright with nicely detailed sets which show some imagination, Doctor Mordrid's apartment in particular is quite nice. The acting is a bit off but everyone does their best with such material, Jeffrey Combs is great as usual, Yvette Napir is easy on the eyes & Brain Thompson just looks camp.
Doctor Mordrid is a sci-fi fantasy with a bare bones plot made by Full Moon Entertainment who aren't renowned for their budgets at the best of times & here it show's with limited results. Fun in a camp & silly way & that dinosaur skeleton fight is cool but there's little else of any real interest here.
Produced & directed by father & son team of Charles & Albert Band & released through their company Full Moon Entertainment this originally started out life as a film about the Marvel Comic character Dr. Strange but apparently the rights to the name & character's were lost & instead of scrapping the whole project it morphed into Doctor Mordrid which is probably more or less the same film as originally intended but with a different central character. Basically Doctor Mordrid is a mad film that almost defies explanation, most people won't have a clue what is going on for the first twenty odd minutes as there are silly monologues with random words trying to sound dramatic, Jeffrey Combs in a bright blue track suit & cape being spoken to by a pair of huge floating blue eyes on a star field, some nonsense about a noisy dog which is never mentioned again & Brain Thompson in Rio de Janeiro with long flowing blonde hair, wearing a baggy white suit & awful chunky rectangular shades trying to look menacing but coming across as anything but & as I say that's just the first twenty odd minutes. The plot is weak & there's virtually no story, everyone human is stupid especially the cops although at only 74 minutes at least it's short & it does entertain in a camp sort of way. The story is poor & if Mordrid knew Kabal needed that stone tablet thing why didn't he just grab it for himself & hide it? I mean he had a good hundred year head-start didn't he? There are a few amusing moments & it's fun in a silly way but there isn't really much to it.
Obviously handicapped by it's budget the special effects aren't that bad actually, there's a floating castle thing & a fun stop motion animated fight between two dinosaur skeleton's that Mordrid & Kabal are controlling at the end which is probably the best moment. There's zero gore, violence, nudity or bad language & there's no horror element here either as it's pure dated fantasy that most people will have a hard time taking seriously although the script plays it deadly straight which helps in a way. Full Moon Entertainment recycled footage from Doctor Mordrid when they edited chunks of it into Planet Patrol (1999) & there's a none to subtle Edgar Allan Poe reference as Doctor Mordrid's pet Raven is called Edgar Allan.
The production values are alright with nicely detailed sets which show some imagination, Doctor Mordrid's apartment in particular is quite nice. The acting is a bit off but everyone does their best with such material, Jeffrey Combs is great as usual, Yvette Napir is easy on the eyes & Brain Thompson just looks camp.
Doctor Mordrid is a sci-fi fantasy with a bare bones plot made by Full Moon Entertainment who aren't renowned for their budgets at the best of times & here it show's with limited results. Fun in a camp & silly way & that dinosaur skeleton fight is cool but there's little else of any real interest here.