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Review of Pandemic

Pandemic (II) (2009)
Boring and not interesting
28 October 2009
See here's the thing. I don't mind a really truly terrible movie, because at least it's so bad it's funny. This one though, just elicited NO reaction in me. It wasn't awful, it wasn't disgusting, it wasn't funny, it just...was. I couldn't even muster up the emotion to rate it 1/10 for awful.

After watching this I still don't understand what was going on. The military good/bad aspects might have been a nice twist, but it was handled all wrong and didn't have any sort of a plot setup to make it feasible. The spooky scary music did nothing for me and the acting was pretty, well, boring. Plus, the suffering, dying animals at the beginning of the movie did not bode well for me, a card-carrying member of the Humane Society. I should have turned it off when I saw that.

When I saw the cover and the title I thought it might have a bit more energy and maybe horror or zombie parts than it ended up actually having. This movie just didn't have...anything..
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