I remember the movie/show somewhat. I was/am into motorcycles since 7th. grade. 1968. (thanks, Craig Alden!) Even owned a '72 Sporster in the '80's, among other bikes. The show seemed a bit tacky. How can Bronson on a stock Sporster with street tires win a (dirt) hill-climb that hill-climbing bikes can't win? How did his Sporster start first kick, every kick? Watch carefully...he hits the starter button the same time he kicks. My brother owned a couple Sporsters. One was a '68 with a magneto (notorious for weak spark at kick-over speeds). When I first rode it, he told me that if it didn't start on the first kick, do not continue. Wait a while and try again. Well, I didn't. Seems to draw a crowd when you are kicking for 30 minutes. That's why Jim Bronson hit his starter button while he kicked. Can't wast a half hour kicking a bike on a television show or movie. At any rate, we need an updated version of this television show. Maybe starring the Orange County Chopper boys. How about Jesse James from West Coast Choppers? The best choice would be the soft-spoken ex-mailman turned Harley customizer Arlen Ness! Just a few thoughts...