Wicked Prayer(wp) is a badly directed movie in which the action is constantly broken up and players are badly casted and under-performing.
The plot for wp is simple. Band of bad dudes want to summon Satan to take revenge for something. They kill the lead character and his love interest. They kill a lot of other people as well. Lead character turns into the crow and takes his revenge on the bad dudes and fights it out with lead bad-dude-turned-Satan and defeats him in the end.
To make such a movie spiffy we need something that kicks ass: stylish direction, sizzling conversations, fast and bloody fights and captivating lead characters. This movie fails in everything.
In reversed order:
The lead bad guy put's in a bad guy performance, but he never excels in anything.
The sidekicks of the bad guy have a constant look on them which boils down to: Am i really doing this? Gee. I am a real bad dude ain't I? What am I going to do next? The only one who actual looks the part his the female bad girl. Although most of her performance ends after the first half of the movie.
Then there are a bunch of Indians who count a cop and priest amongst their number. During the entire movie they perform like the keystone cops, without meaning to be funny. They spent their time talking, praying, meandering about and rifling the bad guys and the crow without actually hitting anything. In fact in the end scenes the bad guy fighting the crow actually kills more bad guys that the Indian posse. I can't think they hit anything. There is a superb dumb moment when the bad-guy-turned-Satan exits the satanic church and confronts the group of morons. Armed with pistols, rifles, shotguns they do nothing. And when mister Satan passes them they just gawk at him and then when he has left they do an sort of Indian dance that looked dumb to say the least.
This movie is sad thing and I would advise you to avoid it. There are hundreds of better and more entertaining movies.
The plot for wp is simple. Band of bad dudes want to summon Satan to take revenge for something. They kill the lead character and his love interest. They kill a lot of other people as well. Lead character turns into the crow and takes his revenge on the bad dudes and fights it out with lead bad-dude-turned-Satan and defeats him in the end.
To make such a movie spiffy we need something that kicks ass: stylish direction, sizzling conversations, fast and bloody fights and captivating lead characters. This movie fails in everything.
In reversed order:
- Lead characters. Furlong is boring and unconvincing. In the love scenes he looks like he is about to nod off. His eyes squint, his face expressionless, his jaw slack. As crow he looks like a goth boy who find himself teleported into a country and western bar. He neither looks cool, nor dangerous, nor sad. He looks like a loser with paint on and clothed in black leathers. I was expecting people to fall over laughing whenever he entered a bar. Look at the dumb-ass goth boy.
The lead bad guy put's in a bad guy performance, but he never excels in anything.
The sidekicks of the bad guy have a constant look on them which boils down to: Am i really doing this? Gee. I am a real bad dude ain't I? What am I going to do next? The only one who actual looks the part his the female bad girl. Although most of her performance ends after the first half of the movie.
Then there are a bunch of Indians who count a cop and priest amongst their number. During the entire movie they perform like the keystone cops, without meaning to be funny. They spent their time talking, praying, meandering about and rifling the bad guys and the crow without actually hitting anything. In fact in the end scenes the bad guy fighting the crow actually kills more bad guys that the Indian posse. I can't think they hit anything. There is a superb dumb moment when the bad-guy-turned-Satan exits the satanic church and confronts the group of morons. Armed with pistols, rifles, shotguns they do nothing. And when mister Satan passes them they just gawk at him and then when he has left they do an sort of Indian dance that looked dumb to say the least.
- With this I come to the fights. Well nothing spectacular, nothing interesting. At the end there is a fight between the crow and Satan and it is just boring. What amazed me was that this crow dude could actually defeat Satan without help. So Satan is actually weaker than the crow?
- Sizzling conversations? Nothing. No memorable quotes. I can't think of anything interesting that passed the lips.
- stylish directing? Nope, unless walking around in goth makeup and dark leathers and the satanic church scene is considered stylish. The problem with directing is that the action is constantly interrupted. There are odd scenes. There are many many flashbacks. I think I have seen the hanging at the beginning of the movie being flash-backed at me a zillion times.
This movie is sad thing and I would advise you to avoid it. There are hundreds of better and more entertaining movies.