*Spoilers* Arthur is a high school student working in a Chinese restaurant with Annie who in earlier days was his babysitter. Arthur confesses to having lusted for Annie in those days and you wonder just how old he was when still requiring Annie as a babysitter. Annie has broken up with her husband Glenn who is a suicidal alcoholic, as well as being an agonizingly conflicted evangelical Christian who quotes from the Bible. Glenn is obsessed with getting back with Annie, but she is having an affair with Nate, her best friend's husband. Nate smokes dope and sees other women on the side. Arthur's parents are separating, since his father is having an affair. Arthur is beginning an intimate relationship with classmate Lila.
Too much to digest in one movie you say? I agree. There are several stories here, any one of which might have made a good movie.
This movie does not let up from its foreboding opening that has Arthur's marching band practice interrupted by distant gunshots. From there it spirals downward to the tragic death of a young girl and a ritual murder/suicide. All proceedings take place against a backdrop of cold and snow.
The movie kept my interest but I am puzzled as to what I am supposed to take away from it. Life is messy? Beware of drunks with shotguns? Don't take up with your best friend's spouse? Never nap when alone with a small child? Death is the ultimate repentance?
Too much to digest in one movie you say? I agree. There are several stories here, any one of which might have made a good movie.
This movie does not let up from its foreboding opening that has Arthur's marching band practice interrupted by distant gunshots. From there it spirals downward to the tragic death of a young girl and a ritual murder/suicide. All proceedings take place against a backdrop of cold and snow.
The movie kept my interest but I am puzzled as to what I am supposed to take away from it. Life is messy? Beware of drunks with shotguns? Don't take up with your best friend's spouse? Never nap when alone with a small child? Death is the ultimate repentance?