Really heart-warming, charming, and sweet. This movie restored my faith in Lifetime Movie Network. All the actors are the kind of talented where I didn't even notice how good they were (until I read a previous poster's comment afterward) because they just WERE their characters. And all the characters are rounded and not static. They change and go through problems, feelings, conflicts, etc. It's really easy to watch and get absorbed in because so much of Sarah (and others) is revealed slowly and progressively. You witness the full growth and evolution of her romantic relationship and personal journey. The scenic views of wherever (Vancouver is where it's filmed?) really add to the setting and ambiance, also. Props to Sarah for going to the pound for a dog instead of a breeder (this is in the first 10 minutes or so of the movie). I don't know whether men would like it as much as women, but then again, it did air on Lifetime Movie Network.