I don't want to have to give this a lower score, but i cannot justify a higher score. It was mildly enjoyable, but it was slow moving. It a wonderful intimate moment on the bed where it was just the shot of his hand on her body. It was very well shot and structured. The fact that that scene was the best scene of the movie made the rest of it seem mediocre especially as the storyline became even more ridiculous. The performances where nothing special, but the two main actors sold the love scenes. I do think at the end there was some originality and had a lot of potential, but seeing movies like this makes me think of other movies I have seen that have done it better. The only reason that this even gets a 7 and not a 6 is because I enjoyed the story structure, but it wore on me after a while and the scene when they first make love. I also did not really care if the two actors kissed at the and it might have been more enjoyable if they left up to the imagination of the viewer. If it served a purpose with respect to the characters maybe, but I do not think it pulled it off at all.
Review of Shall We Kiss?
Shall We Kiss?
it was funny at parts and it had a lot of potential, but fell short
30 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers