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Bloody awful.
26 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I was 17 when the original came out at the birth of the so called slasher era: "Halloween" (classic!), "Friday the 13th" (the first one, not all that trash that followed. I still cant watch it by myself at the age of 44.), "Silent Night Deadly Night", "New Years Evil", "Prom Night", the list goes on and on, and the original "My Bloody Valentine" wasn't all that bad of a movie. It had actually had some scary moments in it. Yes it was predictable as this genre of movie goes: crazed masked killer on the loose stalking teenagers!. And it was fine just like it was (as in most original movies) and did not need a remake.

I do try to give these remakes (lord I am sick to death with them) a chance to see if they can hold a candle to the original...they never do. Just gore, gore, gore for shock value or it just isn't scary at all. This movie is one of those cases. Too much gore (after awhile one gets immune to it and too much blood just makes it all the more unbelievable), the acting was terrible, suspense was non-existent, the full frontal nudity of one victim...why?, all in all it was just another stupid remake of something that was fine to begin with. Granted though I didn't watch it in 3-D, as the trailer states "A New Dimension of Terror" (I believe the exact words were used in the "Friday the 13th Part 3, 3-D"). I am sure watching it in 3-D would not have helped. It was a terrible movie. I found myself actually yawning.

Whatever happened to the horror movie that actually scared you? Things that go bump in the night, shadows in windows, someone watching you and you have no idea they are there, and the best never actually see the killer till the end of the movie. "Friday the 13th" was the best as far as that scenario goes. But the masked killer? "Halloween" was the best in that department.

Remake, remake, remake. I do believe Hollywood has just gone dumb and can't come up with anything new without rehashing something that has already been done. Have yet to see a remake of anything that can even come close to the original with the exception of "King Kong". The rest is garbage. And this movie, "My Bloody Valentine" was just bloody awful.

Let me try to list some remakes:

"Halloween". Rob Zombie ruined this movie. And I like his movies. "When a Stranger Calls". Actually fell asleep watching it. "Texas Chainsaw Massacre". No raw terror there. Just stupid. "Prom Night". Check please! "Carrie". Although faithful to the book, no one can out do Sissy and Pipers' performances. "The Fly". Next! "The Shining". Was no Kubrick film that's for sure. "Friday the 13th". Have no desire to see it. "Amityville Horror". Waste of time.

I could go on and on. Hollywood? Do the public a favor and leave classics as they are...classic, and try something new.
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