This is one of the most banned movies or highly cut movies at all times, Cannibal Holocaust was banned in 33 countries, but when the time was right it became available all over the world. Maladolescenza never did. In 2002 there was a movie Ken Park that was discussed and been cut due the fact that adolescents were naked in the movie and Adam Chubbuck was in a controversial shot on the cover that was released. But the film wasn't banned because they were over 18 years old. Back in the seventies and especially at the end of that era everything could be done. The rise of the slashers, the glory days of (s)exploitation and the 42nd sleaze. But one thing people couldn't stand, the use or abuse of children. They still should be innocent. But some flicks dared the viewer to watch something different. In 1975 The Psychopath came out, a story about a looney children's television show host taking revenge when 'his kids' were punished from their parents, shown on screen. Beatings with a belt, what was normal in the seventies was shown. The movie never got a proper release. 1976 took it a bit further, Assault on Precinct 13 came out, a girl is shot in her face by an ice cream man. That scene had to been cut out, nowadays it's funny in some way, then it was a real shocker. 1989 brought us, Beware Children at Play. Children are killing adults but the adults take their revenge by killing the children. Never got a proper release and it was spit out by the journalists. But sometimes their was that special one, 1976, France brought us, Une Vraie Jeune Fille. Charlotte Alexandra played a 14 year old girl going on holiday on a farm with her uncle and aunt. Being bored she starts to exploit her body. One scene was much spoken about, she experiments with a worm running on her private parts. The movie was banned but is now available uncut. The age of Charlotte at the time being was never known, but she must have been around her twenties. The only thing known was that she was born at the end of the fifties. So she was an adult. One year later German/Italie brought us Maladolescenza. Again a story about a boy living in his own world and exploiting young girls to examen his/their bodies. Once it was known that it all was shown in an explicit way the movie became banned. There was nudity in it from the two girls, only 13 and 11 years old, showing their private parts and breasts. The only versions that were available was a cut version of 77 minutes, not the full 90 minutes. But the movie had a problem, showing young girls explicit it was an ideal movie for pedophiles. Well sought by them all copies were destroyed but of course some people had the full uncut versions. It was almost unavailable full uncut until in 2006 Andreas Bethmann brought out the full uncut on his X Rated Kult label as Spielen Wir Liebe only to be sold in Germany, of course that didn't work out and it was banned again. in some countries people went to jail just by buying this flick. There is a lot said about this flick, is it childpornography or not. Just let me tell that it was an official release, and the two girls were never forced to undress. But still, nowadays the word pedophile is a hot item and the movie is still banned. Even on ebay it is on the banned item list. Sometimes it pops up under Spielen Wir Liebe or Puppy Love. And guess what, it goes for a lot of money. So far no retailer dares to sell it. Probeply the most hard to get item on the net and at Conventions. All I want to say, if you can get a full uncut try to go back in those days were everything was possible. And still their will be voyeurs and pedo's searching for it, but it isn't that if you watch a horror you become a killer that if you watch this one that you will go hunting innocent children.