I was eight years old when this movie company shot scenes in Overton, Texas near where I grew up (New London). In fact, the baby of Bonita Granville was an infant whose parents were visiting my family. I'm not sure who told them about the baby in our home at the time. I visited the set and watched part of the filming. One thing that shocked me when I saw the movie was how the railroad depot scene was seen as night when I had seen it shot in the hot summer sunlight. I was unaware of filters on the cameras. I'm sure Rod Cameron and Bonita Granville were probably burning up during the scene. Rod Cameron was a very nice guy who pulled me up onto the depot platform and chatted with me while he was taking a smoke break. He was my favorite actor from that time forward. I think he was actually a real life cowboy up in Alberta, Canada before becoming a movie star. I sure wish this old movie was on DVD somewhere. I have searched, but can't find any information on it. There was a later movie by the same title which was NOT about the oilfield.