I admit that I have never been a Christian Slater fan; never really noticed him save in "Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves". I probably confused him with Kevin Bacon or some other "brat pack" actor. And then came this series! As both of his characters, named after Stevenson's "Dr Jeckel and Mr Hyde", Slater is brilliant. This is a reverse spin on the old book since Edward, not Henry, is the primary original person. It is difficult to decide which persona is the more surprising, the murderous psychopath decorated hero Edward or the Joe Average nice but bumbling Henry. The potential of this series is near infinite but I suspect will never come to fruition. I would like to be surprised and see "My Own Worst Enemy" succeed and play for many years but I am more than doubtful. The other actors are all more than respectable but Slater is a triumph. My wife hates the show. It is not a simple shoot-'em-up nor is it a soap opera. It is a very tense suspense series brilliantly delivered. No wonder I get uncomfortable watching it.
Review of My Own Worst Enemy
My Own Worst Enemy
Slater is amazing; his character(s) make me uncomfortable
28 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers