The Wilby Conspiracy is an old movie, and so it is less dramatic and has less action than a modern action movie. The Wilby Conspiracy was pretty entertaining. There were good chasing scenes and and some of it was very funny. The actors were really good. The movie was useful for learning about history because it showed an activist and how they were victimised by the racist police. It also shows some white south africans who are normally not in apartheid movies (where the black characters are the heroes). Many whites in south Africa were against the system of apartheid, especially whites with an English background. It is good that this movie shows this, with a British Engineer helping the black criminal. As viewers we must be critical of the way the history of Apartheid was presented. Mainly, this movie didn't have heaps of information about Apartheid - it never really explains why the activist was in gaol and what was his motivation. That would have made it more believable. It is possible that the film-maker wanted the audience to not know so that he was just another black activist being victimised by the government. It would have been a more historically useful movie if the characters had talked about what their political beliefs were and why. The characters of the police were also a bit too simple - they were more like 'badies' than actual people. To be more useful for someone learning about history it could have been fairer to the whites who were police, who were not evil badies, just ignorant people who were part of the system everyone else was. This was an enjoyable film, which had some good action and suspense parts. But for a way to learn about the history of apartheid it is not ideal, there are some large gaps in what it tells you - and it is more concerned with excitement and action than politics and history. -Brad, Evren, Henry, Miles (9H1).