I saw the first episode of 'The Border' a few days ago, and about 5 minutes in, I knew that I'd be watching it through to the Series finale.
This is probably the best Canadian show that has ever been made in the history, of history. 'The Border' is 24, CSI, and Law & Order all combined into one non-stop, heart pounding, thriller that leaves you on the edge of your seat the entire time, and once those action packed 55 minutes are up, your left begging for more.
Another thing I really enjoy about this show is how fresh it is seeing Canada on TV instead of yet another American cop drama. The cities are Canadian, The people are Canadian, and watching this, being a Canadian myself, I can almost relate to the characters which makes the show all the more great.
Also, what is really fantastic about this show is hearing Canadian terms like Cabinet Minister, CSIS, and the drinking age of 19 and not 21, orders that come out of Ottawa, not the infamous Washington, and not to forget the oh-so-subtle "eh" every now and then.
So, if your looking for a completely new television experience to get yourself wrapped around every Monday night, and if your tired of the same old boring American cop shows that usually ends up just blending in with every other cop drama on TV by the end of the first season. 'The Border' is the show for you!
This is probably the best Canadian show that has ever been made in the history, of history. 'The Border' is 24, CSI, and Law & Order all combined into one non-stop, heart pounding, thriller that leaves you on the edge of your seat the entire time, and once those action packed 55 minutes are up, your left begging for more.
Another thing I really enjoy about this show is how fresh it is seeing Canada on TV instead of yet another American cop drama. The cities are Canadian, The people are Canadian, and watching this, being a Canadian myself, I can almost relate to the characters which makes the show all the more great.
Also, what is really fantastic about this show is hearing Canadian terms like Cabinet Minister, CSIS, and the drinking age of 19 and not 21, orders that come out of Ottawa, not the infamous Washington, and not to forget the oh-so-subtle "eh" every now and then.
So, if your looking for a completely new television experience to get yourself wrapped around every Monday night, and if your tired of the same old boring American cop shows that usually ends up just blending in with every other cop drama on TV by the end of the first season. 'The Border' is the show for you!