Yosei Gorasu, also known as "Gorath" in the United States is a movie about a giant asteroid (Gorath) heading for Earth, dooming our planet to destruction. How will we survive this doomsday device, you ask? Have no fear, the Japanese are here! Using ultra high-tech gear, the Japanese build rocket boosters on the South Pole to push Earth out of Gorath's path, and saving us from certain doom. Hooray!
What the movie doesn't address, however, is the fact that if Earth were pushed out of it's orbit, we would all die anyway because of our delicate climate which hinges on our distance from the Sun. Disrupt that, and Earth is going down in flames, Gorath or not. I'm not sure if this is meant to be funny or serious, but with a budget probably bordering on somewhere near $150, I have to tell myself it sucked this bad on purpose. If that's not the case, then I give the makers of Gorath an E for effort, but the movie itself I have to give an F for failure. (3/10 instead of 1/10 entirely because there are times it is so horrible it is funny.)
What the movie doesn't address, however, is the fact that if Earth were pushed out of it's orbit, we would all die anyway because of our delicate climate which hinges on our distance from the Sun. Disrupt that, and Earth is going down in flames, Gorath or not. I'm not sure if this is meant to be funny or serious, but with a budget probably bordering on somewhere near $150, I have to tell myself it sucked this bad on purpose. If that's not the case, then I give the makers of Gorath an E for effort, but the movie itself I have to give an F for failure. (3/10 instead of 1/10 entirely because there are times it is so horrible it is funny.)