This is one of the best Bible story movies I've seen. It captured my interest throughout. The story is dramatic and powerfully portrayed. Costumes and acting are very good. Even the locations seemed authentic. Sensitive situations were handled tastefully, but realistically and well dramatized. I loved Coleen Dewherst's portrayal of Rachel and the characters of Rebecca, Leah and Laban were excellent. Laban was such a scoundrel, wasn't he? The drama of Joseph's life was very authentic.I hope I can find a copy for our library. Note that this is not a G rated story. I would give this movie a PG rating. Use wisdom. This is not a movie for children who don't understand adult situations.
Review of The Story of Jacob and Joseph
The Story of Jacob and Joseph
(1974 TV Movie)
The Biblical story of Jacob and his son, Joseph
31 May 2008