Along with Eloy De La Iglesia's "Colegas", "Navajeros" or "El Pico", "Perros Callajeros" belongs to that group of movies from the early 80's that dealt with the life-facts of some typical small time thieves- Young boys that used to assault old women, steal cars, and smoke some marijuana... Most of them came from the suburbs of big cities such as Madrid or Barcelona.
So, "Perros calljeros" is not as raw and "ugly" as Eloy de la Iglesias' movies, it's kind of dogmatic and there are no professional actors here. It's nothing but a memory from a time that it looks so far away now, but actually this is the way Spain was less than 30 years ago.
My rate: 3/10
So, "Perros calljeros" is not as raw and "ugly" as Eloy de la Iglesias' movies, it's kind of dogmatic and there are no professional actors here. It's nothing but a memory from a time that it looks so far away now, but actually this is the way Spain was less than 30 years ago.
My rate: 3/10