This film is a sequel to "1:00 A.M," which brings you another three stories of paranormal events. The first segment deals with a costumer who uses the mask of a dead actress to design a new wig. The second segment deals with three actresses' curiosity-gone-bad when they discover that their agent is being seduced by the spirit of a woman (the actress from the first story). And, the third segment deals with two commercial crews' encounter with the ghost of young boy in the countryside.
This movie is a little dull and less intriguing, compared to its prequel. The stories lack the plot and thrills, especially the second one, as all you will see is just a bunch of girls running around in total darkness (could hardly see what was going on). Two character leads from the previous film appear in the third story, which I thought gave the overall film a little bit of excitement boost. A little misconception in this movie is that all the ghosts scenes appear during dusk, ignoring the fact that the ghosts are supposed to appear at 2:00AM (according to the movie's title). There also bits of horror are some bone-chilling scenes here and in the first segment as well.
Above all, a pretty mediocre film with more camp than the first film.
Grade C+
This movie is a little dull and less intriguing, compared to its prequel. The stories lack the plot and thrills, especially the second one, as all you will see is just a bunch of girls running around in total darkness (could hardly see what was going on). Two character leads from the previous film appear in the third story, which I thought gave the overall film a little bit of excitement boost. A little misconception in this movie is that all the ghosts scenes appear during dusk, ignoring the fact that the ghosts are supposed to appear at 2:00AM (according to the movie's title). There also bits of horror are some bone-chilling scenes here and in the first segment as well.
Above all, a pretty mediocre film with more camp than the first film.
Grade C+