Let me first state: I like poetic little films without much action (e.g. by Eric Rohmer) - providing they manage to create an emotionally intense atmosphere and the story and also the characters develop a realistic, authentic complexity. This film here is plainly an inflated glimpse of a story developed around a single idea. As a little side story of a few minutes within a more complex story this might be acceptable or even an amiable detail. Here we learn nothing at all about this middle-aged and obviously unemployed man, we know nothing about his past, we only get a very vague notion of his immediate future, we never see him anywhere else but within or in front of his tiny apartment (where does he get his food or his money from?) The passers-by develop a certain sympathy for him since he is extremely friendly and considerate and is obviously seeking contact rather desperately. That's it. It's not a case of bad acting, the story just doesn't provide any inspiration or intensity or room for a personality to develop. Yes, he is a pitiful character, but the little animated scenes in between seem like cinematic études rather ridiculing the poor chaps hallucinations which in the context of the film is neither funny nor artistic nor does it reveal anything to the spectator. So what do we learn: Even a man not quite in his right mind can yet be a warm-hearted, friendly person...