If you're not the type of person that likes a film to be too complicated, then don't bother, you'll be able to catch the storyline if you pay pretty good attention, but, there is one plot hole that kind of stuck with me, that being, how did the main villain {the father} know all those things about Senga? That was the only thing that kept running through my head while watching it, otherwise it was a good film with a well done tone, and some creepy moments that might give you the chills if you picture someone actually doing them in real life.
Overall, it pulls of the blur between what's real and what's not thing very well, and will hold your interest from start to finish, but I don't recommend it to anyone who doesn't like a movie that confuses them to much.
Overall, it pulls of the blur between what's real and what's not thing very well, and will hold your interest from start to finish, but I don't recommend it to anyone who doesn't like a movie that confuses them to much.