Truly wonderful, understated Christmas story with a familiar and appealing cast. Best thing about this film is its genuine warmth and simplicity -- you keep waiting for the grandiose emotional moment of manipulation, but it never comes; instead it's just a series of small, nice, natural scenes as the family comes together and remembers the pleasure of each other's company. The score is also memorable in its pleasant simplicity.
We watched this every year in my home growing up, and I was frustrated when it migrated to syndication and was edited for more commercial time before disappearing entirely. I see many comments on this site lamenting the film's absence on DVD, but I just did a search and came up with this new release for 2007: I just bought it and suggest you do, too! Merry Christmas!
We watched this every year in my home growing up, and I was frustrated when it migrated to syndication and was edited for more commercial time before disappearing entirely. I see many comments on this site lamenting the film's absence on DVD, but I just did a search and came up with this new release for 2007: I just bought it and suggest you do, too! Merry Christmas!