Starts out a lot like the main dude's other show Free Ride, a twentysomething dude living with his parents and hanging out with his more boistrous friend who makes all their plans and gets him into trouble and inspires him to make his move on the girl he's pining after. The type of comedy is similar too, more banter than gag oriented, and just as well done. The best friend dude is too old to play 25 and he acts too much like Jack Black though. The supernatural aspect is a vague collection of recycled ideas. The main dude has some kind of mind powers which he neither asks nor is told anything about by the devil. The devil apparently owns his soul but whether or not it still resides in his body is unclear. He doesn't mention feeling different, but dogs start following him around snarling at him. The armani-wearing devil seems like a played out device, it would have almost been refreshing to see him depicted more demonically. In the second half we're treated to a special effects sideshow that looks like something out of X-Men where our hero battles a flame-throwing earth-quaking escapee from hell. To me the battle scenes felt out of place, but it makes some kind of sense considering this pilot was directed by comic-book buff Kevin Smith. The serious drama in the second half also felt cheesy, especially the revelation that the villain is going to burn down an elementary school. Oh no! The children! And when he complains to the devil that he can't do his job after his first attempt, and the devil advises him to get inside the guy's head, it's like a really bad imitation of the deductive reasoning parts of cop shows, especially since working out where the guy would be next wasn't even our hero's major problem, it was that the enemy was too physically powerful. The integration of the supernatural stuff into the banal everyday, like handing in the enemy's soul at the DMV, seems derivative of both Dead Like Me and Buffy. I was a lot less into the show by the end than I was at the halfway point and don't think this series will have much originality to offer. SECOND EPISODE: missy's 30 seconds of dialogue emphasize how entertaining and clever the rest of the writing isn't. more sloppy uneventful mystery writing around this week's villain ending in another overblown special effects battle where he is defeated in a way that makes no sense. THIRD EPISODE: i'm torn about continuing to watch this show. i'd prefer to just watch a 5 minute compilation of all Missy and Sock's dialogue from each episode. the action and investigation aspect around each weeks villain is like a bad cop show.