This high quality, superbly interpreted TV series far outreaches the written work by Mario Palmerio. The story of a landowner's rural society and its power imbroglios in the Brazilian hinterland in the beginning of the 1900s is an accurate depiction of what really used to take place in continental America politics . It is Walter Avancini's masterpiece, but unfortunately is not very well known to the public since it was last exhibited 19 years ago. The score is marvelous and the performances of Kiko Junqueira, Paulo Goulart and Edson Celulari are of superior extraction. It's a shame it has not been released on a DVD version.This high quality, superbly interpreted TV series far outreaches the written work by Mario Palmerio. The story of a patriarchal society and its power imbroglios in the Brazilian hinterland in the beginning of the 1900s is an accurate depiction of what really used to take place in continental America politics . It is Walter Avancini's masterpiece, but unfortunately is not very well known to the public since it was last exhibited 19 years ago. The score is marvelous and the performances of Kiko Junqueira, Paulo Goulart and Edson Celulari are of superior extraction. It's a shame it has not been released on a DVD version.