This is a really, REALLY bad movie that thinks it is absolutely amazing. To all those people who say that it is a brilliant piece of art cinema and should be judged accordingly - it comes of much worse by those standards than if it is judged as a cheesy action thriller. Complex inter-related plots are all well and good, but these plots are not complicated, and they are only related by the most token gesture at the end. The nurses's patient's mental health oscillates wildly - depending on the needs of the so-called plot, he's a semi-comatose mess or a lucid if troubled young man. The college professor is NOT an amazing, brave role, it's pop Freudian psychology at its absolute worst. I thought he was introduced as a caricature who would be the butt of some joke (see what I did there?), but no, his stupid clichéd ways of thinking all prove to be insightful and accurate - riiight. Chabert's character, while being completely pointless, is indeed a hot nympho - the only reason to watch this movie is to enjoy hot nymphos and lesbian assassins.