This movie was fun and witty in my opinion. I went just looking for some laughs. Myself and everyone in the theater was laughing the entire time. Rosenbaum (Kip) played an excellent jerk and I find his versatility as an actor impressive. Going from a drama (Lex Luthor of Smallville) to a witty comedy; I imagine is tough for most actors to pull off. As far as realism in a movie goes, this story line was pretty good. Is it a little far fetched, sure, but it's a movie and the intent is to be funny, not real. But the plot is tame, nobody is saving the world or surviving gun shots or performing impossible stunts like riding a motorcycle while doing and indo and shooting people. Overall, I thought the cast acted this story line out as well as it could have been. If you grew up in the 80's and are looking for some witty humor and good laughs, I think you'll really enjoy this movie.